堆利用Heap Exploitation
gef➤ x/32gx &main_arena
gef➤ heap bins
malloc() 使用brk() mmap()
brk() sbrk()
Theprogram break
is theaddress
of the first location beyond the current end of the data region.
#include <unistd.h>
int brk(void* end_data_segment);
void *sbrk(intptr_t increment);
└──╼ $./brk
Welcome to sbrk example:178107
Program Break Location1:0x555db6660000
Program break Location2:0x555db6661000
Program Break Location3:0x555db6660000
1 | /* sbrk and brk example */ |
brk 参数是指针,设置break值
malloc 会使用 mmap来创建独立的匿名映射段。匿名映射的目的主要是可以申请以0填充的内存,并且这块内存仅被调用进程所使用。
addr = mmap(NULL, (size_t)132*1024, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
char* addr
addr = (char*) malloc(1000);
,此时因为是主线程分配的,所以这个区域叫做 main arena
,(称这一块连续的内存区域为 arena,)申请的内存会一直从这个 arena 中获取,直到空间不足,当 arena 空间不足时,它可以通过增加brk
this shows heap memory is created by increasing program break location ( ie) using brk syscall
Allocated memory region (of size 1000 bytes) is released only to ‘glibc malloc’ library
,‘glibc malloc’ doesnt get new heap memory from kernel, instead it will try to find a free block in bin. And only when no free block exists, it obtains memory from kernel.
1.清空此堆块的 user data
2.将此堆块的指针存储到 main_arena 中了(或是 fast bin 中)
看出实际真的分配给程序的内存为1M(b7500000-b7600000)。heap memory of size 1 MB ,而且,只有132KB的部分具有可读可写权限,这一块连续的区域成为thread arena
Instead allocated memory region (of size 1000 bytes) is released to ‘glibc malloc’, which adds this freed block to its thread arenas bin.
gef➤ x/32gx $rax-0x10
0x555555559290: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000021
0x5555555592a0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x5555555592b0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000020d51
0x5555555592c0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x5555555592d0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x5555555592e0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x5555555592f0: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x555555559300: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x555555559310: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
0x555555559320: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
presize 8字节
size 8字节
0x5555555592a0 开始是user-data
top chunk
在程序在向堆管理器申请内存时,没有合适的内存空间可以分配给他,此时就会从 top chunk 上”剪切”一部分作为 chunk 分配给他
allocated chunk
prev_size: If the previous chunk is free
, this field contains the size of previous chunk
. Else if previous chunk is allocated
, this field contains previous chunk’s user data
size: This field contains the size of this allocated chunk. Last 3 bits
of this field contains flag information.
PREV_INUSE (P) – This bit is set when previous chunk is allocated.
IS_MMAPPED (M) – This bit is set when chunk is mmap’d.
NON_MAIN_ARENA (N) – This bit is set when this chunk belongs to a thread arena.
Other fields of malloc_chunk (like fd, bk) is NOT used for allocated chunk
. Hence in place of these fields user data is stored.
free chunk
prev_size: No two free chunks can be adjacent together
. When both the chunks are free, its gets combined into one single free chunk
. Hence always previous chunk to this freed chunk would be allocated and therefore prev_size contains previous chunk’s user data.fd
: Forward pointer – Points to next chunk
in the same bin (and NOT to the next chunk present in physical memory).
bk: Backward pointer – Points to previous chunk in the same bin (and NOT to the previous chunk present in physical memory).
bins 垃圾桶
已经申请到的内存空间大小进行释放,来决定放入哪类 bins 当中去。
Fast bin
Unsorted bin
Small bin
Large bin
fast bin
64位下Chunks of size 0x20 to 0x80 bytes is called a fast chunk.
Number of bins – 10
Each fast bin contains a single linked list
(a.k.a binlist) of free chunks.
Fast bins contain a binlist of chunks whose sizes are 8 bytes apart. ie) First fast bin (index 0) contains binlist of chunks of size 16 bytes, second fast bin (index 1) contains binlist of chunks of size 24 bytes and so on…
During malloc initialization, maximum fast bin size is set to 64 (!80) bytes.
small and large bins
When small or large chunk gets freed instead of adding them in to their respective bins, its gets added into unsorted bin.
This approach gives ‘glibc malloc’ a second chance to reuse the recently freed chunks.
Chunk size – There is no size restriction, chunks of any size belongs to this bin.
fast bins
────────────────────── Fastbins for arena 0x7ffff7dd1b20 ──────────────────────
Fastbins[idx=0, size=0x10] ← Chunk(addr=0x602010, size=0x20, flags=PREV_INUSE) ← Chunk(addr=0x602030, size=0x20, flags=PREV_INUSE)
Fastbins[idx=1, size=0x20] ← Chunk(addr=0x602050, size=0x30, flags=PREV_INUSE)
Fastbins[idx=2, size=0x30] ← Chunk(addr=0x602080, size=0x40, flags=PREV_INUSE)
Fastbins[idx=3, size=0x40] ← Chunk(addr=0x6020c0, size=0x50, flags=PREV_INUSE)
Fastbins[idx=4, size=0x50] ← Chunk(addr=0x602110, size=0x60, flags=PREV_INUSE)
Fastbins[idx=5, size=0x60] ← Chunk(addr=0x602170, size=0x70, flags=PREV_INUSE)
Fastbins[idx=6, size=0x70] ← Chunk(addr=0x6021e0, size=0x80, flags=PREV_INUSE)
a chunk of size 0x20-0x2f would fit into idx 0
, a chunk of size 0x30-0x3f would fit into idx 1
, and so on and so forth.
tcachebins就相当于fastbins 而且较少检查
Unsorted, Large and Small Bins
0x00: Not Used
0x01: Unsorted Bin
0x02 - 0x3f: Small Bin
0x40 - 0x7e: Large Bin
Unsorted Bin只有一条链, 62 for the Small Bin, and 63 for the Large Bin
The small bins
on x64 consists of chunk sizes under 0x400
(1024 bytes), and on x86 consists of chunk sizesunder 0x200
(512 bytes), and the large bin consists of values above those
释放后,首先插入的是unsorted bin
since the unsorted bin chunk could not serve the requested size of 0x1000, it was sorted to its corresponding list of in the small bin at idx 4
当再次分配但不满足要求时,将进行排序 到相应的bin上
lagestbin 中还有fwd_nextsize and bk_nextsize
Consolidation 合并
Top chunk
The Top Chunk is essentially a large heap chunk that holds currently unallocated data.
first time calling malloc reiterate the top chunk holds unallocated data that isn’t in the bin list.
malloc will try to allocate chunks from the bin lists before allocating them from the top chunk
We can see that two things have happened to the top chunk. Firstly that it moved down to 0x602120 from 0x602020
to make room for the new allocation from itself. Secondly, we see that it’s size was shrunk by 0x100
, because of the 0x100 byte allocation from it.
depending on the version of malloc and if the chunk size is fast bin or tcache, this behavior doesn’t always show itself.
挨着top chunk,释放并不一定回到top chunk,旧的size值并不会清零,我的虚拟机上运行就变为tcachebins
gef➤ heap bins
──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Tcachebins for arena 0x7ffff7f9fb80 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Tcachebins[idx=14, size=0x100] count=1 ← Chunk(addr=0x5555555592c0, size=0x100, flags=PREV_INUSE)
one thing you will see us do a lot of is allocated a small chunk in between our freed chunks and the top chunk, just to prevent that consolidation.
攻击时,要阻止释放的chunk回到top chunk,所以中间放一个小块分配内存。
main arena
contains the head pointers
for the bin lists,
heap bins命令下可以显示
leverage the bugs and a bit of heap grooming to edit a freed chunk in one of the bin lists. Then from being able to edit a freed chunk in one of the bin lists we can launch a bin attack
| Bug Used | Bin Attack | House |
| | Fast Bin Attack | House of Spirit |
| Double Free | tcache attack | House of Lore |
| Heap Overflow | Unsorted Bin Attck | House of Force |
| Use After Free | Small / Large Bin Attck | House of Einherjar |
| | Unsafe Unlink | House of Orange |
两大利器gef 和 源码 malloc.c
When you attempt to use LD_PRELOAD to have a binary use a specific libc file, you might find an issue if the linker’s are not compatible.
fastbin 链表头插法
分配 也是从头部开始分配
double free 原理,两次释放,将同一块重复加入链表中,分配自然重复使用了