
  1. 栈就是一小段内存空间,大小记录在PE头中
  2. RETN 8 =RETN POP 8 stdcall清理方式 被调用者清理,cdecl调用者清理
  3. Nags 唠叨
  4. VB ThunRTMain 函数 调用消息框 rtcMsgBox
  5. Set Breakpoint on every call to rtcMsgBox
  6. 1 opcode == 1 byte
  7. 4 bytes == 1 dword
  8. registers is 32 bit



Assembler : The Basics In Reversing

SS stack segment
C-Flag >FFFFFFFF and <0 时设置
segmens(a page in a book) + offsets(a specific line on that page)

add eax,ebx                    ;; Register, Register
add eax,123                    ;; Register, Value
add eax,dword ptr [404000]            ;; Register, Dword Pointer [value]
add eax,dword ptr [eax]            ;; Register, Dword Pointer [register]
add eax,dword ptr [eax+00404000]    ;; Register, Dword Pointer [register+value]
add dword ptr [404000],eax            ;; Dword Pointer [value], Register
add dword ptr [404000],123        ;; Dword Pointer [value], Value
add dword ptr [eax],eax            ;; Dword Pointer [register], Register
add dword ptr [eax],123            ;; Dword Pointer [register], Value
add dword ptr [eax+404000],eax        ;; Dword Pointer [register+value], Register
add dword ptr [eax+404000],123        ;; Dword Pointer [register+value], value

INT3 and INTO are interrupt calls that take no parameters but call the handlers for interrupts 3 and 4, respectively.

JA*    -    Jump if (unsigned) above            - CF=0 and ZF=0
JAE    -    Jump if (unsigned) above or equal        - CF=0
JB*    -    Jump if (unsigned) below            - CF=1
JBE    -    Jump if (unsigned) below or equal        - CF=1 or ZF=1
JC    -    Jump if carry flag set            - CF=1
JCXZ    -    Jump if CX is 0                - CX=0
JE**    -    Jump if equal                    - ZF=1
JECXZ    -    Jump if ECX is 0                - ECX=0
JG*    -    Jump if (signed) greater            - ZF=0 and SF=OF (SF = Sign Flag)
JGE*    -    Jump if (signed) greater or equal        - SF=OF
JL*    -    Jump if (signed) less                - SF != OF (!= is not)
JLE*    -    Jump if (signed) less or equal        - ZF=1 and OF != OF
JMP**    -    Jump                        - Jumps always
JNA    -    Jump if (unsigned) not above        - CF=1 or ZF=1
JNAE    -    Jump if (unsigned) not above or equal    - CF=1
JNB    -    Jump if (unsigned) not below        - CF=0
JNBE     -    Jump if (unsigned) not below or equal    - CF=0 and ZF=0
JNC    -    Jump if carry flag not set            - CF=0
JNE**    -    Jump if not equal                - ZF=0
JNG    -    Jump if (signed) not greater            - ZF=1 or SF!=OF
JNGE    -    Jump if (signed) not greater or equal    - SF!=OF
JNL    -    Jump if (signed) not less            - SF=OF
JNLE    -    Jump if (signed) not less or equal        - ZF=0 and SF=OF
JNO    -    Jump if overflow flag not set        - OF=0
JNP    -    Jump if parity flag not set            - PF=0
JNS    -    Jump if sign flag not set            - SF=0
JNZ    -    Jump if not zero                - ZF=0
JO    -    Jump if overflow flag is set            - OF=1
JP    -    Jump if parity flag set            - PF=1
JPE    -    Jump if parity is equal            - PF=1
JPO    -    Jump if parity is odd                - PF=0
JS    -    Jump if sign flag is set            - SF=1
JZ    -    Jump if zero                    - ZF=1
LEA (Load Effective Address)

Syntax: LEA dest,src
LEA can be treated the same way as the MOV instruction. It isn’t used too much for its original function, but more for quick multiplications like this:
lea eax, dword ptr [4*ecx+ebx]
*which gives eax the value of 4ecx+ebx**
ptr== pointer


Syntax: POP dest
POP loads the value of byte/word/dword ptr [esp] jian接寻址 esp指向的值zuo wei dizhiand puts it into dest.


Syntax: TEST operand1, operand2
This instruction is in 99% of all cases used for “TEST EAX, EAX”. It performs a Logical
AND(AND instruction) but does not save the values.** It only sets the Z-Flag, when EAX is 0 or clears it, when EAX is not 0. The O/C flags are always cleared.**


Syntax: XOR dest,src
The XOR instruction connects two values using logical exclusive OR (remember OR uses inclusive OR).
This instruction clears the O-Flag and the C-Flag and can set the Z-Flag.
To understand XOR better, consider those two binary values:


If you XOR them, the result is 1100011011

The most often seen use of XOR is “XOR, EAX, EAX”. This will set EAX to 0, because when you XOR a value with itself, the result is always 0. I hope you understand why, else
write down a value on paper and try ;)